461 reviews
Martin / 22-05-2022 Koffie

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Prima bedrijf | Prima bedrijf
Quality Appliances
Miele appliances and we'll keep them up to date
Enjoy quality
Clean laundry, no worries
A good washing result
You pay for performance
A fresh experience
Hygiene is important
Marcel Peters // oprichter Bundles

Questions I often get

How do I get access to the LaundryRoom?

For now you can use your existing key/tag to get in. In due time we'll send you a new tag.

How can I make a reservation for a washer/dryer?

For now the current reservation system stays in place. For the future we're thinking about online reservations and availability check.

What is included in the subscription?

The use of the washers and dryers in the Oranjehof LaundryRoom.

How flexible is the subscription?

You can cancel or restart the subscription every month.